We are the Wood Family. Andrew and Liz married in 2012, had James in 2013, and Ben in 2015.

We traveled outside the US a bit prior to kids, for work, for fun, and both. But about 6 years ago, we started thinking about how little of our native country we’ve seen. We took a couple multi-week road trips with our kids, through Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico, and loved it. We dreamed of traveling all around the US, camping in beautiful spots, gazing up at meteor showers far from city lights. The dream grew into an itch, then a mild obsession, and, finally, a reality.

Now we both left our jobs, we packed up a few of our belongings, and took off on the road. Then about 6 weeks later COVID-19 shut the country down. We returned home and stayed put until June 2021 when we felt like it was a safe time to resume. This feels like a good time, while the kids are young and still enjoy spending time with us, and before school and extracurricular activities become intrusive. It feels crazy to do this, and maybe we are a little crazy, but we would regret not trying.

Please follow along as we post updates from our trip here and on Instagram.